As was mentioned several times,
there is a special advantage in the education that is received in the summer
camps, one that is even greater than the education that is received in
the schools. Being that in the summer camps the child is found in an atmosphere
of Judaism and holiness throughout the 24 hours of the day (not only for
a few hours a day as in school) and not just for one day, but for a continuous
period, i.e. several weeks, it is understood that in such an environment
the educational affect is much greater. So much so that during this period
he goes from "strength to strength" in all aspects of Judaism and holiness.
(22 Sivan, 5745, 1985)
In such summer camps [such as
those mentioned above] there is stronger emphasis that physicality and
spirituality are not in contradiction and conflict with each other, on
the contrary, they help one another - for a healthy and rested body comes
together with an increase in holy matters. These two aspects together create
a healthy and successful summer camp in both physical and spiritual matters.
(19 Sivan 5750, 1990)
As we enter the summer days (after
the "completion" of [a school year, which is] a considerable step in a
child's education, when the summer commences) there is free time from many
aspects of learning. This free time must be utilized in order to add in
Judaism, the Torah and its Mitzvos, the love of Hashem and the fear of
Hashem. Specifically regarding the involvement in the educational guidance
of Jewish children, the children's free time is to be directed (during
the summer vacation) to add in Torah and Judaism. This is done with the
knowledge and recognition that the true existence of a Jew is "for the
Jewish people shall be unto me as servants (Vayikrah 25, 55)".
Therefore the true "vacation" of a Jew is through this that he adds even
more in the "service" to Hashem. As Rashi [the foremost commentator on
the Torah] says "the servant of a King (every single Jew, man, woman and
child) is a king" (Rashi, Devarim 1,7).
Therefore [the Jewish people] have the power of Hashem, so to speak, and
in the things that they wholeheartedly want, Hashem will help them fulfill
their desire with a healthy soul and body.
(17 Sivan, 5749, 1989)
During the summer days, many children
have much free time because the school that they study in during the rest
of the year is closed (for whatever reason it may be). Therefore, there
are several more free hours every day, specifically on Shabbos and Erev
Shabbos. Since it is not advisable to leave a child with spare time devoid
of Jewish content - although the child may not realize this, in truth,
if there is no Jewish content, the time is "empty" (as emphasized many
times in our Torah which is called "the Torah of Life" - [which means]
directives for life) - therefore there is an obligation to use out this
time with proper content.
(17 Sivan, 5746, 1986)